Microelectronics Research Lab

Microelectronics Research Lab


1- Head of the laboratory: Dr. Ebrahim Farshidi


·         Professor of electrical engineering department

·         Email addressfarshidi@scu.ac.ir

·         Phone: +986133226600-9 extension 5638

·         Personal page linkhttps://eng.scu.ac.ir/~farshidi


2- Fields of activity of the laboratory (objectives and research/industrial services that can be provided):

·         Designing and manufacturing analog and digital circuits

·         Design and manufacture of dc-dc converters


3- Research facilities:

·         Oscilloscope device

·         Power supply

·         Multimeter

·         Computer system

·         A server device with Cadence software


4- Research plans/industrial projects (done/in progress):

·         Designing and making a digital alarm window with memory and remote monitoring capability

·         Design and construction of CMOS reference supply voltage


5- Laboratory students and the title of theses/dissertations:

Click here to see the list of laboratory students and the titles of their theses/dissertations.


6- Scientific publications:

  • Click here to see the list of articles published in journals.
  • Click here to see the list of papers presented in the conferences.


7- Contacts:

  • Email: farshidi@scu.ac.ir   
  • Phone: +986133226782 (Electrical Engineering Department Office)