Research Lab for the Fabrication and Characterization of Electronic Sensors
Research Lab for the Fabrication and Characterization of Electronic Sensors (FCES)
1- Head of the laboratory: Dr. Navid Alaei Sheini
- Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Department
- Email address: ,
- Contact number: +986133226600-09, extension 5641
- Personal page link:
2- Fields of activity of the laboratory (objectives and research / industrial services that can be provided):
2-1- Introduction of the field of activity of the laboratory:
The research topic of sensors is an interdisciplinary topic that benefits from the knowledge of basic sciences including physics, chemistry and biology, as well as engineering knowledge in various fields such as electrical and electronic engineering, material engineering and mechanical engineering. The fundamentals of sensor performance are mainly expressed based on the principles of physics and chemistry, and the output of sensors in many cases is an electrical quantity such as voltage, current, load or change in electrical resistance. In biosensors, bioquantities are converted into processable electrical signals using methods. It can be said that in today's technological world, most of the sensors are electronic. This means that these sensors convert the measured quantity into an electrical signal that can be processed by electronic circuits. The knowledge of various engineering fields is used in the construction of sensors. In semiconductor sensors, the sensitive part is made of semiconductor material, and it is necessary to know the characteristics and applications of various types of semiconductors and the methods of manufacturing and sensitizing these types of materials. After making the sensor, it is necessary to perform the characterization operation on it. By creating a suitable system, the quantity to be measured is changed and the response of the sensor to these changes is examined. The purpose of characterization is to check the sensor characteristics for the developed device. Among these features are the sensitivity, accuracy, accuracy, repeatability and limited response of the sensor. After making sure that an acceptable electrical signal is generated by the sensor, appropriate electronic circuits must be designed and implemented to amplify, filter, display and send data on the sensor's output signal. The sensor assembly and its signal processing electronic circuits form a sensor system. The field of activity of this laboratory is the design and manufacture of electronic sensors, especially semiconductor sensors, and the characterization of sensors, as well as the construction of sensor systems.
2-2- Objectives of the laboratory:
The purpose of the activity of this research laboratory is to increase practical and practical knowledge and experience in the field of designing and manufacturing electronic and semiconductor sensors and their electronic circuits, as well as providing laboratory services and products in this field. In order to achieve these goals, the laboratory cultivates capable researchers in this specialized field so that in addition to scientific products, it can provide engineering services as well as technological products. The services and products of this laboratory can be provided to the country's industries and research and academic centers according to the needs of various industries for sensors and sensing systems.
2-3- Academic background related to the subject of laboratory activity:
The experience of teaching courses related to sensors and analog and digital signal processing for several years, as well as the construction of various sensors and sensing systems in various academic and research projects, is a scientific and practical support for the activity of this research laboratory. Among the educational records of teaching the courses listed below:
- "Semiconductor sensors" graduate course course.
- "Metal oxide semiconductors" graduate course.
- "Electronic Systems Design" undergraduate course.
- "Microprocessor systems design" undergraduate course.
- "Precise tools" undergraduate course.
- "Electronics 2" undergraduate course.
- "Digital System 2" undergraduate course.
- Teaching electronics laboratories, pulse technique, telecommunication circuits for undergraduate courses.
3- Research facilities:
- Vacuum deposition systems model TVS-1 for creating thin metal layers and testing in vacuum.
- Chamber with the ability to adjust temperature and humidity for testing sensors in different environmental conditions.
- A computer equipped with a data acquisition card and an oscilloscope card for recording and processing electrical characteristics.
- Electronic worktables equipped with oscilloscope and multimeter, power supply and hot air heater for making electronic circuits and testing them.
- Inductor, capacitor and resistance measuring device to check impedance characteristics.
- Portable memory oscilloscope for data storage.
- Mechanical tools for assembling parts and preparing and installing parts and laboratory samples.
- Metals and materials with laboratory purity to create desired thin layers.
4- Active research projects/industrial projects:
- Fabrication of P type metal oxide gas sensor.
- Fabrication of thin film pressure sensor.
- Building a blood sugar measurement system.
- Construction of air pollution measurement system by optical method.
- Construction of transformer type magnetic sensor systems.ny
5- Services that can be provided by the laboratory:
According to the equipment available in this laboratory, it is possible to provide the following laboratory services to academic researchers and industries of the country.
Also, this laboratory is ready to hold training courses and practical workshops in the field of electronic sensors.
6- Laboratory students and the title of theses/dissertations:
Click here to see the list of laboratory students and the titles of their theses/dissertations.
6- Scientific publications:
- Click here to see the list of articles published in journals.
- Click here to see the list of papers presented in the conferences.
7- Contacts:
- Email:,
- Phone: +986133226600-09, extension 5641
- Phone of the Electrical Engineering Department office: +986133226782