Chemical Engineering Department
About us
By supporting Iran Ministry of Petroleum, it is planned to establish Faculty of Petroleum, Gas, & Petrochemical Engineering (PGP) at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz Since 2018. This faculty will include three main departments of Chemical Eng., Petroleum & Gas Eng., and Polymer & Petrochemical Eng. Right now, our educational programs conclude to the bachelor in Chemical Eng. with more than 150 students and master in Petroleum Eng.-Drilling with over 20 students. The department of chemical engineering is one of the most predominant departments with sophisticated teachers who have a good magnificent background in education, research, execution and industry relationship.
In such departments, students can access to a various education and research sources such as fluid mechanics, mass and heat transfer, energy and mass balance, reactor manufacturing. As a duty of chemical engineering department, it is not only conducting scientifical progresses but also project development and technology commercialization activities are the main goals for technological-progress nowadays. By integrating them, we can decrease the boundary between the basic concepts and applications to make our pupils ready to have a great impact on the oil & gas factories and companies, especially in Khuzestan province.