Faculty Members


مکانیک سیالت پیشرفته

This course covers the fundamental mechanics of fluids as they are treated at the senior level or in first graduate courses. The course is divided into four parts. Part I, “‘Governing Equations”, deals with the derivation of the basic conservation laws, flow kinematics, and some basic theorems of fluid mechanics. Part II deals with ‘‘Ideal-Fluid Flow,’’ and it covers two-dimensional potential flows, three-dimensional potential flows, and surface waves. Part III, ‘‘Viscous Flows of Incompressible Fluids,’’ contains materials on exact solutions, low-Reynolds number approximations, boundary-layer theory, and buoyancy-driven flows. The final part of the course presents ‘‘Compressible Flow of Inviscid Fluids,’’ and this part contains materials that deal with shock waves, one dimensional flows, and multidimensional flows.


مـکانیـــک سیـــالات پیـشــرفته

Advanced Fluid Mechanics

نیمســال اول   99 1398 

Fall Semester 2019





Seyed Saied Bahrainian

سیــد سعیــد بـحریــنیـان



Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

عضو هیات علمی گروه مهندسی مکانیک



Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز







(0098) (061) 33330011-20      Ext: 5670


20-33330010      داخلی:     5670      


Class Days

Saturday & Sunday   

یکشنبه و سه‌شنبه

روز و ساعت

and hours:

8:00     -9:30

30/9 - 00/8          




سرفصل‌ها:            ( Course Materials)                                   

Viscous Flows of Incompressible Fluids


V.   Exact Solutions

      A. Couette Flow

      B. Poiseuille Flow

      C. Stokes’ First Problem

      D. Other Exact Solutions


VI. Boundary Layers

      A. Boundary Layer Approximation

      B. Blasius Solution

      C. Boundary Layer Thicknesses

      D. Response of a Bou/Layer to Pressure Gradients

      E. Falkner-Skan Flows

      F. Approximate Boundary Layer Methods

      G. Thwaites’ Method

      H. Transition to Turbulence & Linear Stability Theory

      I. Turbulent Flow & Turbulence Modeling


VII.           Low-Reynolds-Number Solutions

      A. Stokes Equations

      B. Uniform Flow over a Sphere

      C. Uniform Flow over a Cylinder

Ideal Fluid Flow


III. Two-dimensional Potential Flow

      A. Velocity Potential

      B. Stream Function

      C. Boundary Conditions

      D. Complex Potential

      E. Review of Complex Variables

      F. Complex Velocity

      G. Basic Flows

      H. Flows in Sectors and Around Corners

      I. Method of Images & the Milne-Thomson Circle Theorem

      J. Circular Cylinder with Circulation

      K. Blasius Integral Laws

      L. Conformal Mapping

      M. Kutta Condition

      N. Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation


IV. Three-dimensional Potential Flow

      A. Velocity Potential and Stream Function for Axisymmetric Flows

          B. Basic Flows

          C. Butler’s Sphere Theorem

          D. D’Alembert’s Paradox

          E. Apparent Mass (Added Mass)

          F. Non-Axisymmetric Flows

Governing Equations


I.    Basic Conservation Laws

      A. Introduction

      B. Review of Vector Analysis and Tensor Index Notation

      C. Conservation of Mass

      D. Conservation of Momentum

      E. Conservation of Energy

      F. Constitutive Relations

      G. Summary of Governing Equations

      H. Nondimensionalization


II.   Flow Kinematics, Vortex Dynamics, and Alternate Forms of the Governing Equations

      A. Flow Lines

      B. Circulation

      C. Vortex Lines

      D. Helmholtz’s Vorticity Theorems

      E. Kelvin’s Theorem

      F. Euler Equations

      G. Bernoulli’s Equation

      H. Euler n-Equation

      I. Vorticity Equation

      J. Inviscid Motion of Vortex Lines

      K. Equations of Motion in Non-Inertial Reference Frames



کتاب درس:                   (Text Book)

Currie, I. G., "Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids", 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, 1993.


کتاب‌های مرجع:            (Reference Books)

White, Frank M., "Viscous Fluid Flow", McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1979.

Schlichting, Herman, "Boundary-Layer Theory", 7th  edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1979.


ارزشیابی:           (Grading)

امتحان میان ترم  30%                              امتحان پایان ترم     60%                                           پروژه های درسی     10%                         تمرین     10%

Mid Term Exam          30%                 Final Exam   60%        Projects    10%                        Homework         10%